Recipes for the Road

When you're on holiday and cooking in a RV, Caravan, Vacation Rental, Glamping or AirBnB-ing, you don't want to spend ages searching the internet for recipe ideas that do not require a lot of time, ingredients or effort to put together. You also don't want to be eating the same thing every night. So we've done the searching for you - all you'll find here are tasty recipes that require only basic ingredients, basic cooking equipment & basic effort! Yet, you'll be proud of the end creations!

(Note: Clicking on these images below will take you to my Pinterest Profile. If you have never used Pinterest before, it is a social media channel like Facebook and Twitter except that its main form of communication is through images).

Cooking on the Road Recipes

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Are you just about to roam the world and wouldn't say that cooking was one of your strong points? You may want to checkout The Backpacker Chef cookbook.

Happy Cooking! :)